Belzona Supports OEM’s with Heat Exchanger Lining

KHIA ID: 9410
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: HEX-Heat Exchangers (HEX)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: Czech Republic
Application Date: February 2024
Products: Belzona 1593

Problem: The customer required a lining for their newly fabricated heat exchangers to prevent corrosion, increase temperature resistance, and prolong the equipment's lifespan.

OEM Heat Exchanger Lining

OEM Heat Exchanger Lining

OEM Heat Exchanger Lining

OEM Heat Exchanger Lining

Application Situation
Rather than wait until the damage was done, a large manufacturer of heat exchangers in the Czech Republic specified the use of Belzona to enhance the durability and performance of their newly manufactured equipment.
Application Method
Each Heat Exchanger was lined with two coats of Belzona 1593, a high temperature brush-applied epoxy coating which provides corrosion protection for equipment operating under continuous immersion conditions. The local Distributor not only supplied the Belzona solution but also provided an expect team of applicators to complete the lining.
Belzona Facts
The application was completed over a 14 day period offering the customer a comprehensive turn-key service. This solution is intended to extend the service life of the heat exchangers, ensure reliability of the equipment in demanding environments and provide cost savings in terms of downtime and maintenance.