KHIA ID: 8545Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: SteelCustomer Location: Germany
Application Date: April 2020Products:Belzona 1121 (Super XL Metal)
Belzona 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)
Belzona 4111 (Magma-Quartz)
Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)
Problem: In the mill there is a chamber for pre-drying with lift paddles. Under the paddles the wall eroded over years from cement dust (between 0 and 12mm). When the client changed the paddles, they wanted an inner wall surface like new (for a complete bearing area).
1: Ball mill in a cement plant (diameter 4000mm)
2: Belzona 4111 and steel base for the right height (for Belzona 4111 and 1812 with two different templates)
3:Every second area complete rebuild with Belzona 1812 (4mm)
4: After removing the steel base 1812 applicated in the rest of the area