Belzona in the Cement Industry

KHIA ID: 8545
Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: Germany
Application Date: April 2020

Belzona 1121 (Super XL Metal)
Belzona 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)
Belzona 4111 (Magma-Quartz)
Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Problem: In the mill there is a chamber for pre-drying with lift paddles. Under the paddles the wall eroded over years from cement dust (between 0 and 12mm). When the client changed the paddles, they wanted an inner wall surface like new (for a complete bearing area).
Photograph Descriptions

1: Ball mill in a cement plant (diameter 4000mm)

2: Belzona 4111 and steel base for the right height (for Belzona 4111 and 1812 with two different templates)

3:Every second area complete rebuild with Belzona 1812 (4mm)

4: After removing the steel base 1812 applicated in the rest of the area

Application Situation
Ball Mill 4000mm diameter in Germany.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with modified version of the Belzona Know-How System Leaflet SHM-7.
Belzona Facts
Existing customer does a lot of work with Belzona wear protection materials. The customer buys around 100 kg of Belzona 1812 per year for in-house repairs. An enquiry for the same work in a second mill was requested for a later date.