Belzona seals the base of storage tank

KHIA ID: 8865
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Scotland
Application Date: May 2022
Products: Belzona 3921 Belzona 3131 WG Membrane Belzona 9311

Problem: Mastics & bitumens often do not have the required properties to maintain a water tight seal when placed in this application. When storage tanks are filled & unloaded they often move considerably on their base.

Original mastic failure

Close up of application

Completed application

Completed application

Application Situation
A large diameter storage tank had a mastic seal installed between its annular rim & concrete base. This mastic had become disbonded due to its lack of flexibility. A solution was required to seal this gap to prevent corrosion whilst maintaining flexibility.
Application Method
The seal area on the newly painted tank was marked out & abraded to a 40 micron profile. Belzona 3921 was then applied followed by two coats of Belzona 3131 incorporating the 9311 reinforcing sheet.
Belzona Facts
The system has now been used on many tanks onsite & proved effective at preventing water ingress long term.