Coal Silo Flopgate

KHIA ID: 8998
Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Aurora, NC
Application Date: March 2023
Products: Belzona 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)

Problem: Customer was looking to have a new chute coated for abrasion resistance.

New chute pre-coating

New Flopgate pre-coating

New chute coated with Belzona Ceramic Carbide FP (1812)

New flopgate coated with Belzona Ceramic Carbide FP (1812)

Application Situation
Our customer has had major wearing of their chutes in the past. They were looking for some type of abrasion protection for their new flopgate value and chutes.
Application Method
Chutes and flopgate value were abrasion blasted. Blasted area was then cleaned using Belzona 9111. Belzona 1812 was applied using an applicator at 1/4” thickness.
Belzona Facts
Belzona 1812 was used for it’s outstanding abrasion protection due to a hardness comparable to basalt. Additionally, Belzona is easy to apply and does not require specialized tools.