Debarker Ring protection saving lumber mill thousands

KHIA ID: 9063
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Application Date: April 2023
Products: Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Problem: Corrosion was occurring from the salt water that enters the lumber mill from the ocean. This jeopardizes the bearing inside the ring that has a replacement cost of $35,000.00. Protection was needing to prolong the service life of the machinery

Condition of Debarker ring

After sandblasting

Resurfacing with Belzona 1311

Coating of Belzona 1321

Application Situation
The timeline for the repair was over a 2 day weekend. The alternative was surface welding which was attempted previously with minimal success.
Application Method
Initial sandblasting was required for sufficient surface preparation. All Belzona material were mixed applied by hand to specification. Heat was added to assist in the curing process. The customer was thrilled with the result.
Belzona Facts
Minimal disruption to the area
Quick turnaround