Electric motor shaft repair
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: MPT-Mechanical Power Transmission (MPT)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Slovakia
Application Date: July 2009
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)
Problem: Damaged shaft under the bearing.
Damaged shaft under the bearing.
Processing of Belzona 1111 product
The shaft belongs to an electric motor with a power of 315 kW, manufacturer MEZ
Application Situation
Due to long-term use of the electric motor, the shaft was damaged. The customer was looking for a quick and high-quality solution. Our company has very good results with such repairs.
Application Method
Machining the shaft to the required profile. Application of the product Belzona 1111. Curing. Processing the product Belzona 1111 to the required size.
Belzona Facts
This type of repair (using the Belzona 1111 product) is one of the fast and high-quality solutions. Also, there is no thermal influence, as happened with welding.