Emergency repair on escalator handrail with Belzona products

KHIA ID: 9346
Industry: Buildings & Structures (BSTR)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Rubber
Customer Location: Toronto, Ontario
Application Date: August 2022
Products: Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer), Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Problem: The handrail of an escalator had 2 defective areas. The side of the rubber was ripped and presented a potential safety hazard for the mall customers.

Damaged belt

Mixing of Belzona 2311

Removing masking tape after applying 2311

Completed repair

Application Situation
The escalator was shutdown until they could repair and cover the opening in the rubber. Belzona 2311 was used because of its great mechanical properties and quick curing.
Application Method
The surface was roughened up and degreased. Then conditioner Belzona 2911 was applied and allowed to dry. The repair was then completed with Belzona 2311 with reinforcement tape 9341.
Belzona Facts
The product was applied and within 1 hour the product was sanded and put back in service. The customer was pleased with the quick turnaround.