Engine Room Corrosion Repair

KHIA ID: 9722
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: ENC-Engines and Casings (ENC)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Melbourne
Application Date: September 2023
Products: Belzona 5831 (ST-Barrier)

Problem: A ferry operator experienced a problem with severe corrosion in a ferry’s engine room which required immediate repairs and the application of a preventative coating to provide corrosion protection.

Engine room flooring to be repaired.

Surface preparation carried out using handheld power tools due to confined space.

Ferrie engine room proved to be a difficult application due to confined space.

Belzona 5831 coated carried out successfully.

Application Situation
Following the repair work and surface preparation, Belzona 5831 was applied to provide long-term corrosion prevention.

Belzona 5831 also offers easy application with a brush and excellent adhesion to various materials, including the aluminium used for this vessel’s construction.

Furthermore, being solvent-free, it significantly minimised health and safety risks during application in the confined space of the boat’s engine room.
Application Method
Due to the confined space of the repair area, hand held power tools were required to carry out the surface preparation. Once complete, 2 coats of Belzona 5811 was applied achieving a 500 micron film thickness.

A very successful and straight forward application overall.
Belzona Facts
Employing a Belzona protective coating was the ideal solution for any further corrosion that may come about where by removal and rewelding in this section of the engine room was simply not viable and substantially more cost effective.