External corrosion protection for Gas Insulated Busbar

KHIA ID: 9265
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Scotland
Application Date: September 2023
Products: Belzona 3921 (GSC Surface Conditioner), Belzona 5111 (Ceramic Cladding)

Problem: This Gas Insulated Busbar (GIB) is in an exposed coastal environment, there was concern that breakdown of the existing paint system & subsequent corrosion could occur on the flange & bolts. A system was needed to provide long term protection for these areas.

Complex geometry around the flanges

Access, cleaning & roughening of existing system

Belzona 5111 1st coat

Completed application at a later date after a rain shower. Rainwater shedding from the surface.

Application Situation
Minimal disturbance to the structure was a requirement. A long lasting corrosion resistant solution was required.
Application Method
The areas were first cleaned then the existing paint system was roughened. Belzona 3921 GSC Conditioner was used as a primer followed by two coats of Belzona 5111 Ceramic Cladding.
Belzona Facts
The Belzona 5111 provides exception durability, UV resistance & a surface that readily sheds rainwater - this yields a 'self cleaning' effect beneficial in this application.