Firewater Bilge Pump Rebuild and Protective Coating for Marine Vessel

KHIA ID: 9513
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: CEP-Centrifugal Pumps (CEP)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Houston, TX
Application Date: July 2024
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: The client had a critical firewater bilge pump that was leaking because corrosion damage. They were in the Houston TX area resupplying at local chemical facilities before they could return on their voyage across the sea. They needed a quick repair to rebuild the pump internals, provide a protective coating, and stop the leak within a short amount of time so they could continue on.

External photo of the Fire and Bilge Pump in Service

Center plate condition before the application.

Application completed with Belzona 1341.

Application completed with Belzona 1341.

Application Situation
The ability to buy a new a pump backing plate, impeller and casing was not feasible. It would take to much time and cost would be over double the Belzona option. We were able to complete the application within two days and returned the asset back to the ship so they could continue their journey. Not only will did this solve their urgent need it also gives them a like new asset that will last for years and provide energy savings.
Application Method
1. Vapor Blasting (SSPC-SP10) 3mil profile.
2. Rebuild Pump Internals using Belzona 1111
4. Coat the Asset with Belzona 1341
Belzona Facts
Saved money and time compared to replacing. Replacement was months out and not feasible, plus it was over double the cost to a Belzona repair. The Belzona solution will create a more energy efficient pump as well.