Flange Rebuilding at a Fertilizer Plant

KHIA ID: 9156
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Barranquilla, Colombia
Application Date: May 2017
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal), Belzona 1161 (Super UW-Metal)

Problem: There was evidence of bimetallic corrosion and erosion in the 24" elbow between the flange and the seal, which was perforated and thinned the thickness of the flange.

View of damage to the flange

Surface preparation.

Final application.

Application Situation
Minimum surface preparation to apply Belzona 1161 was key to save time and money.
Application Method
A thin layer of Belzona 1161 was rubbed over the entire damaged surface, then Belzona 1111 was applied to recover thickness and fill the holes produced by erosion.
To maintain the diameter of the holes through which the bolts pass, it was necessary to cut some tubes to be used as molds and thus maintain the original measurements.
Belzona Facts
Quick and localized repairs were carried out with Belzona putting the equipment back into service as soon as possible.