New double Water box Traine chiller

KHIA ID: 9269
Industry: Buildings & Structures (BSTR)
Application: HEX-Heat Exchangers (HEX)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Dallas, Texas
Application Date: January 2024
Products: Belzona 1121 (Super XL-Metal), Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Problem: New chillers required protection before being put into service.

Overview of chiller

Application of Belzona 1121

Application of Belzona 1321

Application of Belzona 1321

Application Situation
These chillers was pre-coated to prevent erosion and corrosion while in service. It was decided to do this before installation of the chiller.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflets HEX-1, HEX-2, and HEX-3. Belzona 1121 was use to seal all the seams before coating, Belzona 1321 was applied in two coats after Belzona 1121 was cured. The product was applied by hand. Corks were inserted before blasting then again before coating to protect the copper tubes. The water boxes were also coated.
Belzona Facts
The customer had a satisfactory history with Belzona on other chillers and requested Belzona be used. It was applied before the chiller was placed into service.

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