Recycled Acid Containment Concrete Repair & Coating

KHIA ID: 8951
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Decatur, AL, United States
Application Date: December 2021
Products: Belzona 4111 (Magma-Quartz), Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1)

Problem: A rubber lined recycled acid day tank occurred a leak in a seam in the liner and exposed the containment to acid. The acid filled the secondary containment almost 2 foot deep and destroyed the previous coating. Over time and years of exposure during filling the small amounts that leaked from the flange and hose caused the damage to the sump pit area.

Damage to the sump pit area.

Repairs that were made using Belzona 41111.

Finished repair and coating. Belzona 4311 was used.

Application Situation
Using Belzona in this application was decided based upon the chemical in the day tank and years of abuse the containment endured due to spillage during filling. Cost was not a factor in this application due to the amount of damage, it was less expensive for the customer to repair and protect than to demo and replace.
Application Method
In this application we started the process by first pressure washing and neutralizing the concrete to remove any containments and debris. Then there were several cracks we repaired during this project. We drilled the cracks out to stop them from expanding further then created a V in the cracks using hand held grinding tools with diamond disc. We used the same process for the sump pit area. Once all areas were prepped following Belzona guidelines we then made the repairs using hand held tools reforming the sump pit area and coating the containment using hand rollers.
Belzona Facts
The cost repair and protect was thousands of dollars cheaper than to demo and replace. And the return to use time was a huge factor in the customer determining to go with Belzona.