Refurbishment of exchangers

KHIA ID: 9438
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: HEX-Heat Exchangers (HEX)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Mochovce
Application Date: May 2022
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1)

Problem: Damage to the exchanger tube - corrosion, leakage, poor cooling effect of heat exchangers.

Damage to the exchanger tube.

Repair using cork plugs.

Repair of the cover partition

Application of the second layer of Belzona 4311 product.

Application Situation
Creating a solid uniform surface where BELZONA 1111 does not shrink or expand as it solidifies, thus creating tight joints around the tubes. BELZONA 4311 has excellent protection against the effects of abrasion, shock, vibration and chemical influences.
Application Method
Blasting of the front surfaces of the tube and lid (including covers from the inside) to the required parameters (Sa 2.5, min. roughness 75μm). Desalination and re-blasting. Alignment of protruding pipes. Pipe plugging. Sealing of damaged parts of pipe fronts and baffle lids (including flanges on the inside, welding of auxiliary guide rails, disassembly after sealing) with Belzona 1111, 3 to 5 mm thick. Sanding and double-sided dismantling of plugs from pipes. Machine machining and alignment of the tube face and sealing surface of the lids, easy blasting of the tube heads. Application of Belzona 4311 sequentially in two layers of 2 x 250 μm thickness to the surface of the tubing and lids (including flanges from the inside).
Belzona Facts
Repair with Belzona 1111 and Belzona 4311 products is fast. The product Belzona 4311 has excellent chemical resistance to acids.