Rolling Mill Repair at a Steel Plant

KHIA ID: 9444
Industry: Steel & Metal Processing (STEL)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Spain
Application Date: August 2023
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 1161 (Super UW-Metal),Belzona 1212

Problem: The client did not have replacement equipment. The impossibility of using traditional welding was clear. They needed an effective, fast, and perfectly executable solution on-site in their plants. That, together with our prompt availability, made us the perfect choice to take on the project.

Example of the damaged surface of the application site.

Application of Belzona 1111 to the application site.

Inserting a piece of the equipment into the repair site.

Finished repair with the Belzona products applied.

Application Situation
Belzona is a good solution because the alternatives were slower, more expensive, and involved waiting periods that were not acceptable for production plants. The main unique selling point lies in rapid emergency management for our clients' problems where, in an agile and fast way, we deal with problems in different phases: case study; proposed solution and cost; availability of execution by our applicators on an urgent basis.
Application Method
The application was completed following the products' Instructions for Use and respective leaflets.
Belzona Facts
Speed of response is key. Demonstrate that the client's problem is also ours and that it concerns us. All of this, with great basic technical knowledge, demonstrates to the client mastery of the solution and the situation.