Sulfuric Acid Flange Repairs with Belzona 4301

KHIA ID: 9415
Industry: Oil & Gas (OILG)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Addis, Louisiana
Application Date: April 2024
Products: Belzona 4301 (Magma CR1 Hi-Build)

Problem: Damaged Flange from sulfuric acid.

Flange with Sulfuric Acid Damage

Flange After Repair with Belzona 4301

Application Situation
Reference: Sulfuric Acid Flange Repairs
(3) 72” Flanges
(6) areas of repair approx. 4”x4”
-prepared the substrate on the damaged area as listed and points surrounding the damaged area.
-Applied Belzona 4301 system to the area of repair as listed.
-Allowed full cure of product prior to applying any chemicals, this took 4-Days at 86 degrees F.

Under $10k for full repair
Application Method
Profile of 3 mils
Blasted clean to SSPC SP 10
Utilized stiff Bristle brush to apply fully conditioned Belzona 4301
Confirmed weather conditions and overcoat windows
Waited for full cure
Belzona Facts
Cost and Time savings with minimal downtime for client.