Tube Stack Faces

KHIA ID: 9401
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: HEX-Heat Exchangers (HEX)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: UK
Application Date: May 2024
Products: Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Problem: During the Planned Outage of the station, the tube stacks were inspected and due to sea water been used for cooling the faces were found to have significant erosion and corrosion.

Condition of the faces upon arrival at the workshop

A total of over 3000 corks where required for plugging the faces

Faces after coating

Application Situation
Due to the success of Belzona coatings on previous similar applications, Belzona was selected against alternative coatings.
Due to the Outage length, a quick turnaround was required, which Belzona UK could offer.
The client was provided with regular updates of progress.
Application Method
Grit Blast all faces to SA2.5 with a profile of 75 Microns.
Remove all debris.
Cork all holes.
Rebuild areas with 1311
Apply 2 coats of 1321 as per IFU
Belzona Facts
A Glassflake coating was suggested to the client at a cheaper price than Belzona but ultimately due to the Belzona 1321's superior performance and proven track record in this type of application it was the obvious choice.