350,000 Tin Roof Bolts Coated with Belzona Flexible Membrane

KHIA ID: 9289
Industry: Steel & Metal Processing (STEL)
Application: RPA-Roof Problem Areas (RPA)
Substrate: Aluminum
Customer Location: India
Application Date:
Products: Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane), Belzona 3921 (GSC Surface Conditioner)

Problem: Water was leaking from the anchoring bolt joints and overlapping joint area of a cast house pot room overhead tin roof.

Tin roof required a repair on anchor bolts and joints to prevent water ingress

The repair on the roof in progress

The tin roof bolts sealed with Belzona 3111

The tin roof bolts sealed with Belzona 3111 to prevent water ingress

Application Situation
Bituminous and silicone sealants were previously applied to the tin roof; but these sealants had poor adhesion. The client had to reapply the sealant every 2-3 years. Furthermore, these conventional systems could overload the roof; they lacked UV-resistance, posing risks of thermal cracking in the fillers.
Application Method
Firstly, the colour was stripped from the tin roof and the surface was thoroughly cleaned using a wire brush.

Belzona 3921 (GSC Surface Conditioner) was applied to the application area and allowed to dry. Later, Belzona 9311 (Reinforcement Sheet) was placed around the anchor bolt and joint area prior to the application of Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane.)
Belzona Facts
Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane) was selected as the solution to prevent water leakage on the roof. The ease of application, long-lasting protection and UV-resistant properties made the client agree to this option. The solution was applied to a total of 350,000 bolts.

This solution has been performing well for the past five years.