KHIA ID: 6031
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Naples, Italy
Application Date: February 2016
Products: Belzona 1161 (Super UW-Metal), Belzona 5831 (ST-Barrier)

Problem: Severe corrosion of the mating surfaces led to the loss of metal. As a result, the gasket between the floor and the cover didn’t work properly.

General view of the garage

Damaged sealing area

Belzona 1161 used to rebuild the damaged area

Repair overcoated with Belzona 5831 for corrosion protection

Application Situation
Garage cover on a passenger ship needed attention.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet GSS-8. Surface preparation was carried out by grinding. The pitted and eroded areas were rebuilt using Belzona 1161. The plates were then protected with a coat of Belzona 5831.
Belzona Facts
Belzona solved a serious corrosion problem for good. Sand blasting is typically not an option in the marine environment, therefore materials that can be applied onto contaminated manually prepared surfaces offer a much needed alternative.