Belzona 1321 Investment Coating for Pump Preservation

KHIA ID: 8944
Industry: Water / Wastewater (WATR)
Application: ENC-Engines and Casings (ENC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Birmingham, AL, USA
Application Date: December 2022
Products: Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Problem: New customer receives pumps from many different industries across the region and are posed with the task of either replacing or offering a repair/maintenance option for their customer with Belzona. This pump in particular was their first. There was no significant damage that required metal repair so we had the pump sent off to be grit blasted to obtain an appropriate profile for our Belzona 1321 ceramic coating. We applied two coats of Belzona 1321, first coat (grey) and second coat (blue). We then checked and confirmed Belzona's recommended thickness and it resulted in a happy customer and an open door for future opportunities.

Pump after being sandblasted/prepared.

First coat of Belzona 1321 (grey).

Second Coat of Belzona 1321 (blue).

Second view of Belzona 1321's second coat.

Application Situation
The customer had a pump in decent condition but was looking for an option to renew and protect it for the future. This lead to their online search leading them to Belzona. After a short conversation, I scheduled a time to visit, view the pump, and go though options with Belzona. They decided to move forward with scheduling a time to work on and coat the pump.
Application Method
After receiving the pump following sandblasting, we taped off the casing with duct tape to make a clean edge. We then applied one coat of Belzona 1321 (grey) using short bristled dog leg brushes and followed with a second coat of Belzona 1321 (blue) allowing appropriate cure times and finishes.
Belzona Facts
This job saved the customer from having to purchase a new pump which they had historically done.