Belzona 4311 CR1 protects bunds from chemical attack

KHIA ID: 9045
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Scotland
Application Date: April 2023
Products: Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1), Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Problem: Several concrete bunds had been corroded by the aggressive chemicals used in the production process. A chemical resistant system was required to provide protection against the strong inorganic acids & alkalis used in the area.

Confined access under the vats

Deep corrosion in areas of spillage

Belzona 4311 applied

The system can be applied around complex geometry seamlessly

Application Situation
The bunds were power washed to remove any chemical contamination. They were then abraded, Belzona 4911 TX Conditioner applied followed by two coats of Belzona 4311 CR1
Application Method
The systems were applied by brush to the required thickness. The metal vat legs were also coated to provide a seamless, leak free system
Belzona Facts
By using a non solvented system minimised disruption to the plants process & allowed work in the confined spaces underneath the Vats. The fast cure time meant little downtime before the process in the area could be brought back into service.