Belzona Rebuilds and Protects an Outboard

KHIA ID: 9459
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: ENC-Engines and Casings (ENC)
Substrate: Cast Iron
Customer Location: Washington
Application Date: May 2019
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: Salt water had corroded this outdrive.

Both outdrives sandblasted and ready for application.

Up close, showing the erosion damage.

Belzona 1111 being applied to rebuild the missing material and smooth over the pitting.

Belzona 1341 applied to protect the outdrives.

Application Situation
The original coating had failed and allowed the salt water to penetrate and corrode the casings on these yacht outboard drives. The options were to either repair them or replace them. Both units were rebuilt, and protected for under $2000 USD which would not even bought one replacement outdrive for this yacht.
Application Method
The application areas were grit blasted and washed to remove the salt water. Belzona 1111 was applied by applicator to rebuild the missing areas and smooth out the pitting. Once firm, Belzona 1341 was applied in two coats to prevent further damage.
Belzona Facts
The cost to rebuild and protect both outboard drives was considerably less than the cost to replace just one of them. The entire application was completed within one day, and the units were ready for reassembly the following day. The yacht was back on the water by the end of the week once all other work was completed. For being a major part of the operation of the vessel, this repair was the easiest part to complete, and the least expensive part of the entire drydock maintenance project the vessel was scheduled for.