Belzona Saves Daycare $30k with 2311

KHIA ID: 9022
Industry: Buildings & Structures (BSTR)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Hoover, Alabama
Application Date: January 2023
Products: Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer), Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Problem: The customer was facing a challenge with their 20-year-old hard plastic playground flooring. Over the years, five "blow holes" in the flooring had been designed to release air as children played on the surface. However, these air holes eventually became flexible and developed cracks around their bases, posing a safety risk to the children. There was a concern that small fingers could become trapped or injured due to these compromised areas.

Having conducted extensive research, the customer had been unable to find any suitable solutions for effectively bonding the hard plastic material. Although Belzona's product range does not specifically include a product designed for hard plastic bonding, the customer approached us for potential options.

Together, we explored a few alternative solutions that might work, albeit without guarantees. Given the limited availability of other options, we mutually agreed that attempting one of these alternatives would be a sensible course of action. This collaborative approach demonstrates our commitment to finding the most appropriate solution for our customers, even when faced with complex and unique challenges.

Blow holes with cracks formed around it

Preparation of the application area

Area after surface preparation

Application completed and protected with Belzona 2311

Application Situation
The customer had a 20-year-old playground with a few damaged spots on the floor that posed safety risks. They received a quote of $30,000 to replace the entire playground, which was otherwise in good condition. To save money and time, they looked for a solution to fix only the problem areas.

We suggested using Belzona 2311 and 2911 to repair the cracked floor areas. With this approach, the customer saved a considerable amount of money compared to replacing the whole playground. This solution also took less time than installing a new playground set while ensuring the children's safety.
Application Method
Given that the playground floor was made from a material we don't typically bond to, it was crucial to create a suitable surface profile for the repair. To achieve this, we first taped off the surrounding areas to maintain a clean, aesthetic appearance. Then, we used the Belzona roughing brush to create a "hairy" texture on the surface, ensuring a strong bond with the elastomer.

For optimal adhesion, we applied Belzona 2911 conditioner to the prepared substrate. We then mixed two small packets of Belzona 2311 and promptly applied the mixture to the five problem areas using a Belzona tool.

After allowing the repair to cure for a day, the playground floor showed excellent performance under light foot traffic, effectively addressing all safety concerns. This repair method provided a straightforward and efficient solution for the customer, while maintaining professional quality and ease of understanding.
Belzona Facts
By choosing to repair the playground floor with Belzona for a cost of $125, the customer saved a significant amount, avoiding the expense of a $30,000 new playground set. The customer discovered Belzona after searching for coating solutions on Google and found that other options were not as promising.

We collaborated with the customer to explore potential Belzona products that could address their specific needs. The chosen solution proved to be effective, delivering both safety improvements and cost savings, while demonstrating the value and versatility of Belzona's product range.