Belzona Seals The Check Valves

KHIA ID: 9461
Industry: Water / Wastewater (WATR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Cast Iron
Customer Location: Washington
Application Date: January 2015
Products: Belzona 2111 (D & A Hi-Build Elastomer),Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner),Belzona 9411 (Release Agent)

Problem: These irrigation check valve gaskets wear out and factory provided replacement gaskets don't last through one season.

Check valve grit blasted and ready for application.

Belzona 9411 Release Agent being applied to the steel former.

Applying Belzona 2111 to the gasket surface.

Belzona 2111 applied, former in place to leave a smooth even surface.

Application Situation
Original gaskets did not last through one season. Since the irrigation district used river water, silt would pass through the gasket area and begin eroding the gasket. Once the erosion started, water would also begin leaking through and would quickly destroy the gasket and the check valve would have to be replaced.
Application Method
The metal was prepped by grit blasting and then washed with solvent. Belzona 2911 Conditioner was applied and allowed to dry per the Instructions For Use. Belzona 9411 Release Agent was applied to the metal former and allowed to dry per the Instructions For Use. Once all of the parts were ready, Belzona 2111 was applied and the former carefully set into place and allowed to cure. Once the Belzona 2111 was cured, the excess material was trimmed out.
Belzona Facts
Belzona 2111 was a quick and simple solution, and 1 - 500gm unit had enough material for 2 check valves. Once the shop started using Belzona 2111 to rebuild the gaskets, it only took 3 years before all of their check valves had Belzona 2111 gaskets, and no more Belzona was needed for this application as the Belzona 2111 did not wear out like the manufacturers gaskets did.