Belzona SuperWrap II restores pipe integrity

KHIA ID: 9360
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: United Kingdom
Application Date: February 2024
Products: Belzona 1212, Belzona 1981 (SuperWrap II)

Problem: A section of cooling water pipework was corroded through wall. A repair was required to prevent any leaks occurring and to restore strength to the pipework.

Corroded pipe section

Completed repair with Belzona 1981 SuperWrap 2 installed

Application Situation
Replacement of the pipework is due, this repair is to keep the equipment running until that time.
Application Method
The area was cleaned & roughened using angle grinders. Belzona 1212 was then applied to fill any large pits & to fair the surface. Four overlapping wraps of Belzona SuperWrap II were then applied & consolidated with Belzona 9382
Belzona Facts
This repair was completed in one day with minimal disruption to the surrounding plant operations. The high strength of the system will ensure pipe integrity even if corrosion continues to occur on the underlying metal.