Belzona quickly saves the ripped conveyor belt

KHIA ID: 9044
Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Rubber
Customer Location: Northern Croatia
Application Date: November 2022
Products: Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer), Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Problem: An incident in production caused damage to a conveyor belt. The belt was ripped through the middle in length of more than 1 m. The production had to stop.

Ripped conveyor belt

First layer of the belt peeled off in order to install belt fasteners properly

Belt fasteners installed

Belt fasteners protected with Belzona 2311

Application Situation
Customer contacted us for the emergency repair of the conveyor belt. We offered to do the repair the same day in the afternoon, so production could start again next morning.
Application Method
First we peeled off (delaminated) the first layer of the belt in order to install belt fasteners in the way then aren't above the belt level. Then we installed belt fasteners, abraded them with the grinder and applied Belzona 2911 and Belzona 2311.
Belzona Facts
Customer was pessimistic about possibility of saving this belt and he was considering the replacement of the belt as the only alternative, which would be expensive and time consuming (minimal one additional production day would be lost). We did the repair for just a fraction of replacement price and with minimal production loss.