CO2 Absorber Rubber Lining Replaced with Belzona Coating System

KHIA ID: 9290
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: RAS LAFFAN, QATAR
Application Date: December 2023
Products: Belzona 1331, Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)

Problem: The rubber lining of the CO2 absorber was swelling, blistering and crackings throughout the tank interior. Corrosion damage to the base metal was so pronounced that it could be glimpsed through cracked/delaminated rubber lining.

Traces of severe corrosion from under the rubber lining

Coating application in progress to the manway and flange

Manway and flange coated and protected

Protected tank interior after application

Application Situation
The damaged rubber lining was replaced with a Belzona epoxy coating system. The original system thickness requirement by the customer was a minimum of 2 mm, as the previous rubber lining was 3 mm thick. The proposal initially considered was a 2 mm thick build-up with Belzona 1111, but it was too costly and over budget to cover the entire interior surface, so Belzona 5811 was used for the build-up instead of Belzona 1111.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-3.
Three coats of Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade) were applied as filler and to cover the wall loss. Belzona 1331 was applied as the final top coat.
Each coat was applied using an airless spray machine. The materials were applied in accordance with the relevant Instruction For Use and the guidance of approved method statement.
Belzona Facts
Almost all internal surfaces had pitting and Belzona 5811 was applied directly to the substrate to fill and seal the pitted, uneven surfaces without the use of smoothing paste grade material. Belzona 1331, applied as a topcoat on the premise of contact with the medium, offers excellent erosion/corrosion resistance and a long service life.