Chemically damaged floor rebuilt and protected with Belzona

KHIA ID: 9339
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Sarnia, Ontario
Application Date: September 2019
Products: Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1), Belzona 9111 (Cleaner Degreaser)

Problem: Manufacturing plant that processes Bio-based succinic acid was having issues with their floors. Dry process material of Bio-based succinic acid was being spill onto the concrete floor and during floor washing operations, water activated the acid and this one started to attack the concrete.

Floor damage caused by Succinic Acid

Applying second coat of Belzona 4311

Second coat of Belzona 4311 around floor step up's and piping equipment through floor.

Finished floor coating Belzona 4311

Application Situation
The asset owner was planning on chipping all loose concrete from the floor before patching all damage to regain the proper elevation and finish. The previous coating did not provide any chemical protection and was not effective at preventing the acid from attacking the concrete. The floor needed to be re-coated with an acid proof coating that was also able to take walking traffic and the occasional abrasion from hand tools, scraper, brooms, etc. They wanted a floor coating able to last many years in this harsh environment.
Application Method
The damaged concrete was washed and decontaminated. Missing concrete areas were refurbished and smooth out. 2coats of Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1) were applied to prevent future deterioration of the concrete via chemical attack.
Belzona Facts
The customer had interest in performing further tests, so we provided small brick samples coated with Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1). The coated samples were immersed in Succinic acid for 1 month. The coating did not exhibit any sign of deterioration. the customer was pleased with the performance of the coating and decided to proceed. The coating was inspected in late 2023 (4 years later) and was still protecting the floor.