Emergency Floor Repair with Belzona 4111

KHIA ID: 9031
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Kirkland Washington
Application Date: March 2023
Products: Belzona 4111 (Magma-Quartz), Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Problem: Designated walkway was heavily damaged over the years.
Previous repairs had failed and the client was faced with safety violations.
Traditional concrete was unable to withstand the chemicals and heavy traffic.

Area to be repaired

Repair area defined, sawcut and excavated 4911 Surface Conditioner Applied

4111 Being Applied

Finished Application

Application Situation
Customer needed a quick turnaround to accommodate the next days shift. The floor was suffering from daily chemical contact that had worked through the previous coating and into the concrete. 4111 was selected for the quick turnaround and chemical resistance. The repair was completed with four and a half kits of 4111 in 3 hrs. No delays for the next days production.
Application Method
Area was sawcut to a minimum of 0.25". Low spots were up to 3" deep and exposed rebar was prepped using a Bristle Blaster. A chipping hammer was used to remove break up the sections that were well adhered.
Belzona Facts
Savings were equivalent to losing half a days production and estimated at $30,000