KHIA ID: 9381
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Warrington UK
Application Date: April 2024
Products: Belzona 1511 (Super HT-Metal), Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)

Problem: High temperature steam leaks and loss of vacuum at the interface of the two mating flanges

Condition of vessel circumferencial flange

Surface preparation by grit blasting

Bolt caps filled with Belzona 1511 and general filling of flange interface.

Finally full encapsulation of repairs using Belzona 5811

Application Situation
This vessel was no longer operational and costing the company excessive amounts of extra turnover to move production to other parts of the plant
Application Method
Hi-Pressure Grit blast of all fastenings and flange face creating a good profile for adhesion to the substrate.
Belzona Facts
This facility uses Belzona products on machinery and equipment throughout the plant, the plant is old and invariably no spares available or very long lead times. Belzona is used on varying circumstances saving the plant downtime.