Fan wheel protection against sticking

KHIA ID: 9620
Industry: Cement (CMNT)
Application: FBC-Fans, Blowers and Compressors (FBC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Slovakia
Application Date: June 2024
Products: Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: The sticky material caused the wheel to run erratically.

Fan wheel

Application of the product Belzona 1341 on the wheel

Application of the product Belzona 1341 on the fan box

Fan wheel before repair

Application Situation
Irregular operation of the fan caused production interruptions and reduced equipment performance.
Application Method
Surface blasting according to the required Sa2.5 standard. Degreasing. Application of Belzona 1341 material on the cleaned surface of the device.
Belzona Facts
Fan sticking caused production outages and reduced equipment performance. The application of Belzona 1341 prevented such production failures.