Fast Curing Belzona Solutions for CUI on Tanks

KHIA ID: 9303
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Belgium
Application Date: February 2024
Products: Belzona 5892

Problem: The tank externals at this petrochemical refinery were suffering corrosion under insulation.

First coat of Belzona 5892 in white.

Completed application with coating thickness being checked.

Completed coating with insulation reinstalled.

Application Situation
The tank operates at a high temperatures and is insulated to prevent heat and energy loss as well as for health and safety reasons. The problem of Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) occurred as a result of water ingress into and saturation of thermal insulation on the tank leading to rapid corrosion.
Application Method
The substrate of the tank was blast cleaned while in service using the ATEX certified, Pinovo vacuum blasting equipment to 75 microns.
Two coats of Belzona 5892 were then applied on the same day, providing the customer with significant savings in time. The installation was then installed on top of the coating.
Belzona Facts
This system has been provided to a variety of customers in the petrochemical industry. Other solutions that we frequently recommend include: Belzona 5811 for standard service conditions and Belzona 5851 for high substrate temperatures. This solution offers a customer significant savings on downtime compared to competitor systems. The other reason that our customer selected this application was the adhesion values ​​of the coating even in extreme conditions.