KHIA ID: 6064
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: SOS-Ships and Offshore Structures (SOS)
Substrate: Cast Steel
Customer Location: Pacific Northwest, USA
Application Date: October 2016

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Belzona 2111 (D & A Hi-Build Elastomer)

Problem: Seawater had corroded the pintle pin and housing enough so that the pin was a loose fit in the housing.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Pintle pin showing corrosion.
  2. Pintle pin rebuilt and ready to form new housing.
  3. Pintle housing showing corrosion before grit blasting.
  4. Pintle housing rebuilt, ready for final assembly with Belzona 2111 sealing both ends.
Application Situation
Rudder pintle pin and housing on a large ship.
Application Method
The worst of the corrosion on the pin was undercut on a lathe and rebuilt with Belzona 1111. Next, the pintle housing was grit blasted and coated with Belzona 1111. The pin was coated with a release agent and lifted into the housing to form a perfect fit. The rebuilt housing was inspected and then reassembled using Belzona 2111 to seal the top and bottom of the pintle housing.
Belzona Facts
The only alternative would have been to try to weld and rebore the tapered housing, cost unknown. The Belzona solution provides protection against corrosion for the pintle pin and housing and avoids the usage of hot work.