Plate bonding in marine bulkhead

KHIA ID: 9185
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Scotland
Application Date: March 2020
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Problem: An area of corrosion had led to wall thinning on a bulkhead. Welding was undesirable due to the confined space & close proximity of fuel.

Belzona 1111 applied to plate

Substrate wet out

Plate applied to the corroded area

Overview of installation

Application Situation
The application was completed in 1 day with minimal hazard to the crew onboard.
Application Method
The area was prepared with an MBX Bristle blaster. Belzona 1111 was then used to wet out the substrate & the plate. The plate was then pushed into position to reinforce the corroded area.
Belzona Facts
The Belzona repair saved time & reinforced the area long term