Stainless Steel Propeller Repair and Protection

KHIA ID: 9411
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: SOS-Ships and Offshore Structures (SOS)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: Seattle
Application Date: May 2024
Products: Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide), Belzona 2141 (ACR-Fluid Elastomer), Belzona 2941 (Elastomer SP-Conditioner)

Problem: Areas of cavitation damage

Tips of blades grit blasted

1st coat applied was Belzona 1341

2nd coat applied was Belzona 2141

Vessel ready to return to service

Application Situation
Vessel owner was in a rush to get the vessel back in service. Removing the propellers for outside repairs would not fit the timeframe allowed. Based on previous case studies, the owner and shipyard agreed on the application.
Application Method
Tips of blades were grit blasted to a minimum of 3mils. Cavitation pockets were filled with Belzona 1311. For protection, Belzona 1341 was applied in a 10mil coat. Belzona 2941 surface conditioner was then applied followed by a 30mil coat of Belzona 2141.
Belzona Facts
Replacing the propellers was not an option based on availability. Repair by welding required removing the parts and sending them to an outside shop.