Weakened pipe reinforced with plate bonding and SW

KHIA ID: 9342
Industry: Water / Wastewater (WATR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Ontario, Canada
Application Date: May 2021
Products: Belzona 1161 (Super UW-Metal), Belzona 1982 (SuperWrap II), Belzona SuperWrap

Problem: A pipe in a wastewater plant needed had suffered from external corrosion and metal loss over the years.

Defective pipe

Plate bonding over the most critical area

1st layer of Belzona SWII

Complete repair after consolidating with the release film to be later removed

Application Situation
The pipe was so deteriorated that they were concerned that abrasive blasting the bottom of the pipe will puncture the pipe and create through wall defects. It was decided to do a plate bonding with a surface tolerant product as an initial reinforcement before further reinforcing with SWII.
Application Method
First, the pipe was prepared as best as possible. The we did a plate bonding repair with Belzona 1161 to protect the bottom section of the pipe. After, we grit blasted the rest of the pipe and reinforced the rest of the pipe with Belzona Superwrap II.
Belzona Facts
The pipe was so deteriorated that it was about to have through wall defects and they could not shutdown operations. The Belzona solution presented minimal disruption to their operations and they were able to reinforce and protect the pipe for many years.