KHIA ID: 1129
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Steel Mill, USA
Application Date: December 2007
Belzona® 4124 (Bulk Fill)
Belzona® 4111 (Magma Quartz)
Belzona® 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)

Problem: Highly abrasive waste material was rapidly eroding the flume, carving out a larger cross-sectional area than original designed. Flow velocity dropped as a result and the flume was not longer functioning as designed thus allowing build up of waste within the flume.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Trough prior to surface preparation
  2. Trough profile reformed with Belzona
  3. A further quarter inch of Belzona® 4111 applied
  4. Trough fully coated with Belzona® 1812
Application Situation
Badly eroded waste flume at a steel mill.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with a modified Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-9.
Belzona Facts
A stainless steel trough was also considered but the Belzona solution was $65,000 less expensive. Polyurea coatings were rejected due to their intolerance to damp concrete. Only the Belzona repair offered the cost savings, longevity, and application characteristics required by the steel mill.