Belzona Repeatedly Offers Rebuilding and Efficiency Coating Solutions for OEM Pump Manufacturers

KHIA ID: 9278
Industry: Water / Wastewater (WATR)
Application: CEP-Centrifugal Pumps (CEP)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: South Africa
Application Date:
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide),Belzona 1391T

Problem: Pumps at OEM manufacturers require rebuilding and coating to repair corrosion and damage and to improve efficiency.

Pump efficiency improved with Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Split casing pump repaired and protected with Belzona

Split casing pump repaired and protected with Belzona

OEM Pump Manufacturers offer repeat business for Belzona in South Africa

Application Situation
We stress that when executed correctly, our repairs not only save clients money but also ensure durability. Notably, our rapid turnaround time is a key differentiator, aligning seamlessly with our sales approach. Instead of resorting to OEM line boring for a split casing pump, we advocate for casting wear rings and bushes back into place. This alternative proves to be both more economical and faster than the conventional machining of the pump, a methodology we have successfully implemented numerous times to the satisfaction of our clients.​
Application Method
There has been a variety of work repairing and protecting pumps for this client. In one example, recently repaired a split casing pump for a customer with Belzona 1111 and Belzona 1341. This pump will have a much improved efficiency, thus reducing its Kw's absorbed, reducing amps, and saving our customer money which in a country with massive power problems is a necessity. Belzona 1391T was also used on pumps that did not require efficiency improvement.
Belzona Facts
This is a repeat opportunity with multiple OEM pump manufacturers. Based on past successful examples we have won many repeat jobs without even being asked to come up with a proposal, we are just asked come quote Belzona to repair this pump, and when time is of the essence they only come to us.​ Customers who have left one company and go to another who know Belzona call us in as well.​ Lots of future jobs are expected with pumps, valves, blowers, fans, compressors are future possibilities.​