Belzona repairs worn stairs in a school built in 1901

KHIA ID: 9056
Industry: Buildings & Structures (BSTR)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Application Date: August 2022
Products: Belzona 4111 (Magma-Quartz), Belzona 4151 (Magma-Quartz Resin), Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Problem: An elementary school built in 1901 was being rebuilt after severe earthquakes that hit Zagreb in 2020. Construction company was our customer and they approached us with a problem of worn stone stairs that represented risk for children.

Loss of thickness on a stair due to 120 years of wear, represents a risk of falling and injury.

A stair rebuilt to its original level using Belzona 4111

A view on one of staircases in the school with several stairs repaired.

Situation after 8 months. We applied a final coat of Belzona 4151 with white stone dust and our customer abraded stairs in order to increase safety.

Application Situation
Customer needed a solution that would offer both safety and aesthetic criteria. We offered to rebuild damaged stairs with Belzona 4111 and apply final coat with Belzona 4151 and did a trial application in May 2022. Customer didn't find a solution that would match safety criteria of Belzona 4111 and we got the job despite not giving the desired exact aesthetic match.
Application Method
We installed a wooden support on front side of the stairs and then abraded the surface with electric grinders. Then we conditioned the surface with Belzona 4911 (using brush) and applied Belzona 4111 using a trowel. After full cure of Belzona 4111 we abraded surface once more and applied Belzona 4151 with addition of fine white dust in amount that produced color desired by customer.
Belzona Facts
Customer didn't find a solution that would match safety criteria of Belzona 4111 and we got the job in spite of not giving an exact aesthetic (colour) match. Also, all other alternatives were much more time consuming, and customer had only three weeks to finish the job before the beginning of school year.