Plate bond to repair and protect a chute that has powder lime blown through it

KHIA ID: 9366
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Application Date: April 2024
Products: Belzona 1212, Belzona 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)

Problem: The chute which carries powder lime had a hole in it they needed to repair in place while adding abrasion protection with Belzona 1812

Area before being cleaned and prepared for work.

Area being prepared for application of Belzona 1212 and plate bond with Belzona 1812.

Belzona 1812 being applied to prepared plate to get ready to bond it to the chute.

Job complete. Belzona 1212 and reinforcement cloth used to repair holes then a plate was boned with Belzona 1812 for abrasion protection.

Application Situation
The Belzona repair was the most cost effective due to being unable to weld in this area. They also wanted to add abrasion protection for the future, so a plate bond with Belzona 1812 was perfect for this.
Application Method
Belzona application tools and short bristled brushes were used for the hand application of Belzona 1812 and Belzona 1212.
Belzona Facts
The customer was able to both save time and money because they didn't have to take apart the equipment. We were able to make the repair with minimal down time in situ.