Propeller Repair and Protection

KHIA ID: 9409
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: SOS-Ships and Offshore Structures (SOS)
Substrate: Bronze
Customer Location: Seattle WA
Application Date: May 2024
Products: Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: Cavitation damage on propeller and hub

Damage to propeller

Belzona 1311 applied in areas of cavitation

Belzona 1341 grey applied as first coat

Belzona 1341 blue applied as second coat

Application Situation
Vessel was in drydock for routine repairs and noticed the damage. Based on complications of removing the propeller for offsite repairs the owner looked for an alternate repair method insitu.
Application Method
Blades and hub were grit blasted to a minimum of 3mil angular profile
Belzona 1311 was scrubbed into cavitation pockets then frost blasted after reaching machining stage
1st coat of Belzona 1341 gray was applied at 10mils then a 2nd coat of Belzona 1341 blue was applied at 10mils within the 24hr overcoat window
Belzona Facts
This alternate repair method supported the requirements of the owner and shipyard.