Stainless Steel Vacuum Pots Seals

KHIA ID: 9470
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: Sarnia Ontario
Application Date: October 2023
Products: Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer),Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner),Belzona 9111 (Cleaner Degreaser)

Problem: The customer made the purchase of the stainless steel pots and the seal around the fittings started to leak due to the solvents used and was in need of a product that was compatible to be used with hexane, methanol and acetone. each of these solvents are used at different time during the process.

Stainless-Steel Vacuum Pots

Internal Fitting showing seal of Belzona 2311

External fitting showing seal of Belzona 2311

Vacuum pot fitting complete

Application Situation
The customer has four stainless steel vacuum pots with fittings into the side wall of the pot, the manufactures sealant was breaking down and was not holding up to the solvents used within the different stages of the process.

The customer made contact to ask if Belzona had a product for the problem with a low cost and quick back to service solution.
Application Method
The customer removed the fittings and did the pot wall preparation using a 80 grit sanding discs on a grinder and a wire brush onto the fittings. The Belzona 9111 used to clean and degrease the parts, the Belzona 2911 was used on the S/S and than the Belzona 2311 was mixed and applied to all parts than reinstalled, all nuts had been tightened to make the seal and left to cure.
Belzona Facts
The customer was very pleased with the performance of the Belzona products and they used the first pot to be sure this was the answer and than moved forward with the repair to the other vacuum pots later, I had made contact with the customer in July 2024 and he insured me that all was working well and the plant was happy with the performance and no leaks around the seal.