Belzona Cold-Bonded Doubler Plates to Restore Holed Deck on Offshore Platform

KHIA ID: 9019
Industry: Oil & Gas (OILG)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Offshore Refinery, Qatar
Application Date: January 2020
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal), Belzona 1121 (Super XL-Metal), Belzona 5231 (SG Laminate), Belzona 5233, Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)

Problem: The client had problems with pitting and holes in the platform deck as a result of corrosion. This had resulted in an unsafe and insecure platform structures, which was hampering operations.

Holes in the surface plate of the deck due to severe corrosion

Holes were sealed and pitted areas were filled using Belzona 1111 and 1121

Inject Belzona 5811 to cold bond the doubler plate located

Once the bonding application of the doubler plates is completed, the deck top was coated with Belzona 5231 and 5233

Application Situation
During the repair work, the offshore oil platform and deck were in operation. During this time, hot work, shutdowns and interference with platform operations were not permitted.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet GSS-9.
Repair areas on the deck surface were cleaned and properly prepared. Holes, uneven areas, deep voids and pitting were sealed, filled and levelled using Belzona 1111 and 1121. Doubler plates were located in place, checking for level and alignment, and their edges and joints were sealed with Belzona 1121. Belzona 5811 was injected into the doubler plates to fill gaps and voids under the plates and provide adhesion and mechanical strength. The final finish was Belzona 5231 and 5233 (a UV resistant, anti-slip floor coating system) to protect the restored deck top from environmental degradation.
Belzona Facts
Belzona was safely applied whilst the platform was in operation, eliminating the need for hot work and shutdown. The deck was completely renovated and provided with additional protection against future deterioration.