Repair of damaged glass fibre flanges
Industry: Cement (CMNT)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Slovakia
Application Date: January 2024
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal),Belzona 1981 (SuperWrap II)
Problem: Used tanks suffered severe damage to the glass fiber flanges.
Severe damage to glass fiber necks and flanges
Filling the original missing material with Belzona 1111
Repaired flanges and necks - ready for use
An auxiliary structure had to be built to repair the flanges.
Application Situation
The tanks used by the customer are very old. They were made of glass fiber material. This was severely damaged due to abrasion and chemical attack, to the point where holes formed in the walls.
Application Method
Surface blasting to Sa 2.5. Filling holes and lost material with Belzona 1111. Application of Belzona Super Wrap III 1981 + 9381.
Belzona Facts
Repairing glass fiber walls and flanges is a complicated matter. There are even very few companies available that can do this kind of repairs. The customer was very happy when we offered him a repair with Belzona products.